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  • ChamCHam Tax seminar_Legislative changes in the tax area

ChamCHam Tax seminar_Legislative changes in the tax area



Falkensteiner hotel,  Pilárikova 7372, 811 03 Bratislava

In cooperation with ChamCham, an informal association of mixed chambers of commerce in Slovakia, and CLA SLOVAKIA s.r.o., we would like to invite you to a TAX seminar, where you will learn about the legislative changes in the tax area. The invitation was also accepted by representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic.


  •  Consolidation package - direct taxes, special levy in regulated sectors
  •  Financial transaction tax
  •  Minimum Tax Act
  •  Consolidation package - VAT, Act on revenue record keeping
  •  VIDA Directive
  •  Sweetened soft drinks tax
  •  Excise taxes


Silvia HALLOVÁ   | Partner, Grant Thornton Slovakia
Miroslav MARCINČIN  |  Partner, CLA Slovakia


Falkensteiner hotel, Pilárikova 7372, 811 03 Bratislava


  •  9:00 Breakfast and registration
  •  9:30 Opening of the seminar

Slovak, interpretation into English included

Grant Thornton Slovakia clients – free

Register no later than February 10, 2025.

We look forward to seeing you!

Event registration

Event: „ChamCHam Tax seminar_Legislative changes in the tax area"


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