Taxation of natural persons and assessment of employee benefits taxation

Taxation of natural persons

We provide comprehensive consultancy across a wide range of fields:

  • Income from work and business: helping you complete your tax returns correctly ensuring you report all relevant income.
  • Income from investment: we provide advice on the taxation of capital gains, dividends and interest.
  • International taxation: addressing tax-related issues for individuals with cross-border income or internationally held assets.

We can relieve you of the burden of preparing tax returns and fulfilling your reporting obligations under applicable tax regulations. As your representative based on a power of attorney, we will take over the entire communication with the authorities on your behalf.

Assessment of employee benefits taxation

Providing employee benefits can lead to an entire range of different tax consequences for both employees and employers. We will gladly assist you with a review and assessment ensuring correct taxation of various types of benefits, such as:

  • Meal and travel allowance: assistance in determining the correct tax regime for these frequently provided employee benefits.
  • Company vehicles and other benefits: assessment of tax obligations related to the use of company vehicles and other related benefits.
  • Various non-monetary benefits provided to employees.
  • Employee stock options: a benefit that is becoming increasingly popular as companies aim to improve employee engagement.

In the event that you post employees to work abroad or workers from abroad are posted in your Slovak branch, make sure to reach out to us. We will provide you with comprehensive tax advice by involving the foreign firms in our network so that to ensure full compliance with tax and contribution obligations not only in Slovakia but also internationally, in the country of posting, concerning both the employer as well as the posted employees.