Pavol Ondek | 23.10.2023 | News
In the current age of endlessly rising prices and inflation of energy costs, the age of enviromentally and socially responsible investing, increasingly higher amount of companies come to a point, where a business person decides to generate their own electrical energy. This can be done by either installing a personal photovoltaic device, or by renting one for a pre-agreed period of time.
Naturally companies think that this is “A Penny saved is a penny earned“ situation because they lower their material dependency, however, they forget that even generating your own electricity with a photovoltaic device leads to an accounting event, which needs to be accounted.
Slovak legislation does not specify how to account in cases such as generating your own electricity with a photovoltaic voltage, but based on the currently available legislations (the Accounting Act and accounting procedures in double-entry accounting) the generating of electricity for personal use should be considered as an activation.
According to accounting procedures in double-entry accounting the activation of energy/material created for personal use is accounted as:
In cases where the electricity is not all used up, what follows is usually the divestment of the unused electricity in the energy market, or storage in a virtual battery, which allows for later use. Even in these cases there are accounting transactions, which a business person is obliged to properly capture in accounting.
When divesting personally generated electricity it is accounted as a sale of one’s own product:
In the case of personally generated unused electricity it is accounted to off-balance sheet account of accounting class 8 and 9 – Intra-corporate accounting.
the accounting viewpoint, companies mainly deal with whether to rent, get serviced or buy energies. They tend to easily forget that even “personally“ generated electricity is a relevant accounting event. This needs to be captured via an accounting entry to establish beyond reasonable doubt the completeness of the accounts.
Ľubomíra Murgašová | 10.9.2024 | News
Fotovoltika v daňových súvislostiachSolárna energia je v posledných rokoch veľmi zaujímavou alternatívou spomedzi…