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New Declaration for the application of the non-taxable part of the tax base per taxpayer and the tax bonus for child from 1 January 2025

Jana Kyselová | 18.12.2024 |

With effect from 1 January 2025, an employee who is a taxpayer with unlimited tax liability (a Slovak tax resident) has the possibility to claim the tax bonus for child also during the year (through the employer) if, among other things, the employee fulfils the condition of achieving 100% of taxable income in the relevant tax period – calendar month derived only from sources in the territory of the Slovak Republic, which the employee declares in a new Declaration.

In practice, this means that employees who wish to claim the tax bonus for children from January 2025 onwards must deliver the new Declaration to their employer. For the purposes of claiming the tax bonus for children, the employer will disregard the Declaration received in previous periods.

Notification of changes during 2025

For an employee who is a taxpayer with unlimited tax liability, the change in the conditions determining the granting of the tax bonus for child includes the commencement of receiving taxable income from sources abroad, on the basis of which the employer will cease to grant the tax bonus for child to the employee during the year. The employee shall notify the employer of this change no later than the last day of the calendar month in which the change occurs and provide the employer with proof of the change within the same period. The employee shall indicate the relevant change in the new Declaration.

If an employee stops receiving taxable income from sources abroad, then the employee must also notify his or her employer of this change.

New Declaration form

In this regard, the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic has determined a new form of the Declaration for the application of the non-taxable part of the tax base for the taxpayer and the tax bonus for the child, which must be signed by the employee who claims entitlement to the tax bonus for a dependent child starting from January 2025 and delivered to the employer no later than by the processing of salaries for the month of January 2025.

The new Declaration form can be found at this link: https://www.financnasprava.sk//_img/pfsedit/Dokumenty_PFS/Zverejnovanie_dok/Vzory_tlaciv/Zavisla_cinnost_5ZD/2024/2024.11.20_dan_bonus_par_36.pdf

We hope that this information will help you to prepare in time for your new obligations in relation to the application of the tax bonus for child from the new year 2025.

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